Last Plane to Jakarta -
Not really a review... more of a general listening recommendation.
And since this is an article, not a review I will not post it
here... for copyright reasons. And also because of it's length,
so go check it out at the Last Plane to Jakarta site:
The Metal Observer -
Lets not beat about the bush here, (although dependent on what
you take bush to be, lets.) “Sickening Bliss” is just the thing
for liquefying your brain and have it seeping out from your shattered
ear drums. Aural carnage is the order of the day and its served
up in great putrefied chunks of reeking Grindcore.
Subtlety has been locked in a cupboard with
a knife obsessed psycho and so REGURGITATE can bludgeon away to
their dripping hearts content. Ranging from Bullet Train derailments
to earth shaking groove, these tracks fall past your window in
quick succession, each one covered in various degrees of shit,
blood and piss, not forgetting the odd dribble of spunk. Pray
for soft ground when this lot comes steamrollering over you.
After the intro is buttfucked by "Abducens
Eminence" its just one solid knuckle duster to the face after
another. Heavy distortion to both guitar and bass cranks up the
crunch quotient considerably with the relief coming courtesy of
some Punk slash and occasional blunt drill solo. As you would
expect rapid progression forms the bulk of this bloater but there
are plenty of sections where you can snatch a brief breather such
as on the first half of “Violent Necrophilic Climax” before someone
cuts the brake pipe.
I am happy to report that "Sickening Bliss"
does not try to redefine the genre and just relies on tried and
tested throat ripping. What REGURGITATE do instead is deliver
the goods with lethal effect, what's more you'll be enjoying the
experience so much, you won't realise they've hacked off your
arms and legs until your lights go out. This isn't called extreme
music for nothing, everything is pure unrelenting nastiness, be
it the strangled snarling that duels with the swamp monster gargling
or the kick the kit to bits drumming. Along with everything else,
these elements have an unstoppable force to them, thanks to a
sterling production job.
"(We Are) Hateful Sadistic Scum" breaks one
of the moulds by maintaining a mid paced menace throughout, concentrating
on giving a giant stomping, something that is repeated to a lesser
extent each side of the blazing on the next track. It's clear
that the band are comfortable with whatever aspect of their music
they present and it comes across that they are having a hoot whilst
they're at it. There is plenty for you to barf along to as well
if your lungs and larynx can stand it, "Perish In Blood" amongst
others has one or two moments where you can indulge in mutual
mastication with your mates.
It is pointless over-analysing "Sickening Bliss",
I could just as easily just have written "Buy this now". It's
really a faultless injection of supercharged Grind that giggles
up the gore and will keep the grave digger busy for some time.
As an advertisement for self-disembowelment, it don't get much
more persuasive than this.
Rating: (8/10)
Niall McCartney
Rock Hard, ausgabe 234 - (German)
Anschnallen bitte, es wird Grindcore gespielt! Es ist immer wieder
eine Freude, in diese Szene zu schnuppern - gerade, wenn alte
Helden wie REGURGITATE das Zepter schwingen. Hier gibt es mit
göttlich tief gestimmten Klampfen, extremen Röchel-Vocals und
diesen geilen Crustbeats nur die Flucht nach vorn. Mit "Sickening
Bliss" sind REGURGITATE, wie alle Bands dieses Genres, am Versuch
gescheitert, die alten Werke von Carcass zu untergraben. Knapp
am Original vorbei ist eben trotzdem vorbei. Alles nicht so wild,
denn diese Platte ist in jedem Fall ein zum Anbeten geiles Festessen
für Krachfans aller Couleur. Wer bei Songs der Marke ´Violent
Necrophilic Climax´ oder ´Hacksaw Hysterectomy´ die Füße stillhält,
ist nicht normal. Freunde von Dead Infection, Necrony, Agathocles
oder Gore Beyond Necropsy bekommen mit dieser Platte einen weiteren
Meilenstein des Grindcore serviert. Kaufen!
Rating: (9/10)
RH -
There is nothing fancy about the fourth album from Sweden's gore-soaked
REGURGITATE. It's a 26-track carcass-packed blast furnace of auditory
violence in the tradition of murder-instigating musical monstrosities
AUTOPSY, NECROPHAGIA, REPULSION, and the like. One look at the
cover art and song titles will, like any good Horror film, more
than likely alienate those with no interest in the Blood-and-Guts
sect of the Grindcore sub-genre.
There is certainly no shortage of bands out
there who cover the same slaughterhouse grounds as REGURGITATE.
In fact, the whole Murder Metal thing may have worn out its welcome
about six CANNIBAL CORPSE albums ago. When you see song titles
like " Undying Lust For Cadaverous Molestation", "Violent Necrophillic
Climax", "Hacksaw Hysterectomy" and "Reborn In Latrinic Ecstasy",
its easy to line up REGURGITATE with other Grind House Strawmen
and use them as an example of the genre's more ludicrous aspects.
But what keeps REGURGITATE just slightly above the bottomless
tar-pit of Brutal Death Metal and torture-porno Digi-Grind acts
flooding Underground zines and catalogs like bloated corpses in
a lake is the energy and tightness in the band's performance.
The music, while as raw as a rusty chainsaw
grinding against the rib-bones in a mutilated chest cavity, doesn't
sound like flushing toilets, as the "more-gore" acts have a tendency
to replicate. "Putrid Serenity", "Worm Eater", "Cavernous Sores",
"(We Are) Sadistic Hateful Scum", "Bleed On Me", and others are
strong, well written Deathgrind that would make any EXHUMED fan
pump their gauntlet-clad arms in the air.
While not quite as memorable as some of this
year's other blood-drenched releases (see CATTLE DECAPITATION
and Relapse's own CRETIN), "Sickening Bliss" is a more-than-solid
release that should make the Gore-Hounds salivate with the Technicolor
gusto of a Mario Bava film Festival.
Rating: (8/10)
Supreme Brutality -
I remember picking up the second Regurgitate CD Carnivorous Erection
back when it was put out in 2000, but for some reason it didn't
really appeal to me at that time so I sort of forgot about the
band. Now here in 2006 I sit with the Swedes latest effort Sickening
Bliss and perhaps my taste in music has changed a bit along the
way or maybe Regurgitate has matured a little? I really don't
know, but regardless of which, fact is that Sickening Bliss rocks.
The music is of course gut-soaked goregrind with clear references
to early Carcass with all that belong from low gurgling growls
to gut-churning guitars.
Musically things are fairly varied. Never does
the music appear one-tracked or uncontrolled. Perhaps it's because
the songs are not just one long run-of-the-mill blastbeat contest?
Regurgitate are practised enough to lower the pace now and then
or even throw in a tiny bit of groove a few places, but make no
mistakes Sickening Bliss is a study in brutality and human depravity.
Rikard Jansson's growls are another thing that takes Sickening
Bliss to a higher level. They vary from a very moist gurgling
to a more common type of growl. Moreover Glen Sykes depraved bass-lines
finds its way upfront on a few occasions. This and all the other
things make a homogeny and likeable compound when combined.
The production is dirty and fat with just the
right amount of clarity to make it the music perfect. Sickening
Bliss may not be the most accessible effort for those untrained,
but for fans of goregrind this release is a must.
Rating: (4/6)
Ancient-Spirit-Magazine - (German)
Eigentlich war und bin ich kein großer Freund von Harmonizer-Gedöns,
aber REGURGITATE, die schwedischen Gore-Godz dürfen das und durften
das auch schon immer. Basta! Bei der genialen Mucke der Grinder
muss man auch als Grindcore-Purist einfach ein Auge zudrücken.
Wie gewohnt ballern Ubbe und Rikard aus allen
Rohren, unerbittlich, wütend und old school as fuck und brauchen
sich dabei hinter so manchem Klassiker, zu denen sich RGTE (gegründet
1990) eigentlich schon längst zählen können, wie auch hinter so
manchen schwedischen Jungspunden wie GADGET, SPLITTER (übrigens
DIE Grindcore-Sensation 2006!!!! Die definitiven NASUM-Nachfolger,
checkt, FROM THE ASHES und hinter den ganzen
dilettantischen Gore-Formationen NICHT zu verstecken! Nach wie
vor killen RGTE auf alte CARCASS-, REPULSION- und NAPALM DEATH-Art,
lassen es allerdings im Vergleich zu früher auch mal krustenmäßig
heavy im Midtempo krachen, was dem ansonsten rasenden Gebräu einen
düsteren Touch verleiht.
Zwar zieht "Sickening Bliss" mit der Wiederentdeckung
des Harmoscheißers eindeutig den kürzen im Vergleich zum genialen
Vorgänger "Deviant", der dank Verzicht auf künstliche Vomits und
ohne den typischen CARCASS "Reek of Putrefaction"-Touch zwar für
RGTE-Verhältnisse etwas ungewöhnlich aber wesentlich aggressiver
in die Weichteile ballerte, aber auch mit diesem Album beweisen
die Schweden, wer die dicksten Eier im Gorebusiness jenseits einiger
Razorback Records Bands hat. Killer!!!
Rating: (11.5/12)
Lobi - (Danish)
Kig lige nøje på det cover... Ved 1. øjekast ser cover-artworket
til svenske Regurgiates nye album "Sickening Bliss" helt nuttet
og familiært ud med sine flotte pangfarver, men ved nærmere granskning
viser det sig på samme tid at være direkte frastødende på en sælsom
depraveret måde. Med coveret til bandets tidligere album "Carnivorous
Erection" i mente, må cover-artworket til "Sickening Bliss" jo
siges at være sært passende til Regurgitates musikalske og tekstlige
univers, og samtidig er det også et godt bud på årets sejeste
cover efter undertegnedes mening.
Som oftest ved grindcore albums i stil med
"Sickening Bliss" giver det ikke den store mening at begynde at
fremhæve enkelte numre frem for andre, for de er alle små hurtige
udladninger af aggression, der i næsten total ubemærkethed glider
over i hinanden, hvis man ikke lige er 100 % opmærksom. En force
ved Regurgitate har i øvrigt efter min mening altid været den
varierede og skizofrene brug af vokal, der nærmeste består af
en endeløs række af bøvs, ræb, grynt, skrig og gurgl; det er meget
svært at opfange andet end et par brudstykker af ord og tekst
fra tid til anden, men af en eller anden grund gør det ikke så
meget lige i Regurgitates tilfælde.
Ingen tvivl om at "Sickening Bliss" er et for
genren suverænt album, der nærmest syder og gærer af konstant
insisterende aggression, attitude og rastløs energi, som alle
grind/grindcore albums med respekt for sig selv vel for øvrigt
bør gøre. Bagsiden af medaljen er så at netop disse karakteristika
medfører at en vis forudsigelighed såvel som en snigende monotoni,
der lidt plager albummet som helhed betragtet; sammenligner man
f.eks. direkte med mestrene i Napalm Death og deres nye album
"Smear Campaign", bliver det hurtigt evident, hvad man kan opnå
af dynamiske synergieffekter med bare en smule variation i tempo
og udtryk. Derfor bør "Sickening Bliss" vel også retfærdighedsvist
tildeles en karakter mindre end "Smear Campaign", hvilket dog
ikke bør afskrække fans af crusty svensk grind som eksempelvis
Nasum eller Gadget i at kaste nogle surt tjente slanter efter
"Sickening Bliss"; vil man have sin grindcore råt for usødet,
bliver det nemlig ikke meget bedre end Regurgitate. Og så er der
jo lige cover- artwork; alene dét er næsten i sig selv en investering
værd. Grinding Bliss indeed.
Rating: (4/5)
Rebel Extravaganza-
Sweden's Regurgitate have, over the course of the past sixteen
years, gone from mildly entertaining Carcass/Repulsion worship
to gore royalty, releasing more split albums than MANOWAR has
studio full-lengths, and inspiring a crapload of recent acts in
the meantime. Having somehow fallen off the meatwagon with Hatefilled
Vengeance, I missed 2003's Deviant, and so it was that Regurgitate
disappeared from my radar. Well, it's roughly three years later,
and the quartet has returned, having honed their attack in some
respects, becoming all the more dangerous in the process.
Resplendent with sounds of a night spent in
the woods of a Hammer horror film, ominous keyboards are soon
battered into oblivion with the total ravaging grind of "Abducens
Eminence". Rikard Jansson's vocals howl like those of disembodied
homicide victims, as the drumwork of Jocke Pettersson pounds like
pistons in the rusted engine of a killmachine. Say what you will
about grind, Regurgitate is clearly about having a blastoriffic
ol' time, as evidenced in the guttural low end found in "Cocoon
Of Filth". Goreshitting vocals do battle with guitars so fucked
beyond belief that all hope of repair seems lost. "Putrid Serenity"
melds Carcass riffwork to early Pig Destroyer noise terrorism,
revisiting the churning opening riff from time to time in a skin-blistering
assault on the senses. Jansson's vocals alternate between screech
and growl, guitarist Urban Skytt (Nasum, Crematory) pulling a
lead from his instrument that sounds like a cat being sawn in
half with a butterknife. But hey, it's gore, right? Discharge
influence runs rampant during "Tenderizing The Malformed", but
is dragged twitching and bleeding into the world of crustaholic
grind. What the Hell does Jansson do for fun, snort lines of bleach
and mainline battery acid? The vocals on Sickening Bliss show
one of the scene's most reliable lungshredders in his finest moment
yet. From the spine-shattering crack of the riff at the end of
"Cavernous Sores" to the sugary sweet paean to love and necrophilia
that is "Undying Lust For Cadaverous Molestation", where early
an Entombed riff batters against Exhumed (Col Jones era) drum
massacres, Regurgitate is clearly firing on all cylinders. If
the wallsplattering doom of "Bleed On Me" doesn't get you, "Perish
In Blood", with its sledgehammer-swinging, wallop-packing groove
will. Of late, only Cretin has executed grind with quite so much
fun and joy in the kill. Great riffs sneak up on you all the time
in Sickening Bliss, and "Bestial Sons Of Devastation" kicks off
with one, returning to it now and again just for shits and maniacal
giggles. So you know, the guitars of Skytt and Glenn Sykes aren't
produced worth a damn, but in some sense, it adds to the warmth,
and oldschool tape-trading feel of the mix. I'm into it.
Ending with the dirge-like outro of "Catatonic
Possession", Regurgitate has spewn forth another heaping helping
of grind slathered with cankered innards and chunks of human debris.
Sickening Bliss is music for people who either want to stick their
head in an oven and bake at 420 degrees for one hour - or people
who want to do that to everyone else.
Decibel Magazine -
Pitchshifter as art
Like the proud mother gracing the Rockwellian postnatal-nightmare
cover of Regurgitate's latest album, goregrind aficionados stand
likely to cradle Sickening Bliss to their bosoms as the band's
bloody return to form. Gone is the Nasum-watermark that stamped
their last album, Deviant (an update that seemed out of character),
and in its place a glorious homecoming to the rich, sick pitch-gurgle
heritage that Regurgitate erected—and eructed—in the tape-trading
The band has reason to be proud of its vile
nativity: It offers every quality that makes goregrind great,
and none of the dreck that litters the glutting cyber scene. After
a halcyon opener suggests the putrid pudding underlying everyday
life - a duality rendered in pastels on the mordant cover - 26
tracks gush by in minute and two-minute miniatures, each a rumble
of unrelenting blast, loping punk shuffle, and downtuned groove.
Dynamism is key here. Like the gears on some efficient torture
machine, the songs shift tempo and mood so the music never gets
numbing. Goregrind isn't about hit singles—it's a gestalt where
every track contains the seed of the whole and together form one
long album-length experience, though songs like “( We Are) Sadistic
Hateful Scum” (which revels in swaggering, fist-pumping Carcass
march) and the anthemic “Worm Eater” stand as memorable signposts
on the way to the album's fadeout.
The production is lush and encompassing, riffs
are distinguishable, drums thunderous yet human, and the bass
distortion scratches a bombilation of warm fuzz over it all, making
for one of the best compromises between old school energy and
modern professionalism I’ve heard. But what about the pitchshifted
vocals? you ask. I'm happy to report that the trademarked effervescing
burble is slopped all over Sickening Bliss like some plashing
dialect that garbage disposals and toilets speak in. Retches,
gurgles, and gargles prove what this genre is all about: texture,
timbre, and color. And if it sounds like I'm waxing poetic here,
it's only because Regurgitate's Sickening Bliss has made me love
goregrind all over again.
Matthew Widener
Metalrage -
Regurgitate is a name that will ring a bell throughout the heads
of many gore grind fans, for they have produced some very nice
discs with ear squashing grindcore filled with a good dosage of
harmonized vocals. Their best record up to date in my opinion
is the "Carnivorous Erection" album. Their latest album "Deviant"
I found a little bit less interesting, but nonetheless blasted
hard. I'm going to review their newest disc of vomit called Sickening
The record starts out with some intro and I
expected some music like on "Deviant" but I was totally surprised
when the first real track called 'Abducens Eminence' started.
Superb crashing guitars, and my most pleasant surprise, totally
harmonized vocals, just like the "Carnivorous Erection" album.
Throughout the record, I'm almost lured to say this is C.E. part
2, which I really wanted to hear! Regurgitate isn't Regurgitate
without that extreme kick ass harmonized vocal style. There is
also some normal screaming on it, but way less than their previous
record. It's obvious the pitch shifter is back in camp Regurgitate.
The average track length is around 50 seconds, which makes it
possible to create 26 outstanding tracks. The length of the album
is perfect with somewhat more than 30 minutes.
Also, the cover artwork is quite interesting
again, with a woman holding her own bowels. Nice one! The track
titles are funny again, and are filled with medical references,
as usual! Fuck the originality, I swear to this record! Honestly,
my year turned from bad to superb due to this record. Nah, that's
plain crap of course, but I can tell you that I'm really fond
of it. This probably explains my awfully high mark for this one.
I can recommend to buy this one instantly,
don't wait, don't pre-listen, just buy this goddarned album! I'll
conclude this review by saying that Regurgitate are back, stronger
than ever and remember! 'Barfbags Not Included'.
Rating (96/100)
Adjectives like "wet" usually don't come to mind when you're listening
to extreme metal. But the new REGURGITATE is just that. Rickard's
vocals are so disgustingly moist and phlegm-soaked, it's enough
to make you swear off headphones forever — there are several nasal-cavity-draining
moments on "Sickening Bliss" where you feel like you've been told
a secret by a leprous hobo, and had the side of your face spattered
with a few choice gobbets of snot, coughed-up blood and skin in
the bargain. Grotesque!
Of course, this is the band whose second full-length
album artwork featured, literally, a "Carnivorous Erection" --
an anthropomorphic penis taking an angry bite out of the tongue
of its would-be fellater (is that even a word?). With absolutely
no sales in the chain stores assured, these Swedish bastards set
out on a path to create some of the grossest, gore-soaked grindcore
on earth, heavily influenced by early CARCASS and the usual crowd
of European noise merchants (most of whom were a bit more politically
inclined than enamored of splatter lyrics).
"Sickening Bliss" may be the band's finest
moment, full of enough chaotic blasting, old-school riffing and
over-the-top depravity to start mentioning them in the same breath
as heralded bands as NASUM and JAPANISCHE KAMPFHÖRSPIELE. The
production is raw, dirty and gurgling, with just enough clarity
to make out the more tasty guitar hooks that bubble up out of
the muck. This is grindcore you could mosh to in places, but make
no mistake, it's not the slightest bit accessible — it's as depraved
and hopeless as anything you might expect, and that's just the
way it ought to be.
Fans of CARCASS's early days, old PUNGENT STENCH,
and the absolute fetid bottom of the gore-grind swamp (I say that,
of course, as a compliment) should scope out "Sickening Bliss"
at their earliest opportunity. It's a warm, throbbing bag of guts
just waiting for you to dig in, a cut above most bands of their
ilk both in presentation and production, and you're not likely
to find a more nauseating listen anytime soon.
Keith Bergman
Lords of Metal -
Since 1990 Regurgitate has been building the bloody road it's
on now : to the top of grindcore! And they might not be there
yet, but one thing is clear: this is their best achievement ever
and their most grown up album ever. You can discuss now if that's
what we actually want, a grown up Regurgitate, because do we not
like the bloody, gory and sickening band we know of some standard
grindcore releases all of us should have in their collection?
Anyway, 'Sickening Bliss' is full of variation
unknown to these Swedes. Not that it suddenly is may flower music,
on the contrary, it blasts through your speakers as diarrhoea
in the 'Carnovorous Erection' way, but with more pauses to have
a light breath. I could explain each song, but just buy this CD,
it just speaks for itself.
Rating: (90/100)
Daredevil Records -
One of the sickest Goregrinders are back for the fourth time in
the longplaying form. Still some of you might remember them for
their outstanding artwork for their CARNIVOROUS ERECTION album,
the new one is also not for the squeamish (see for yourself).
Originally they started out to pay tribute to the most influencial
Grind outfit CARCASS in their earlier days, the lyrical concept
was supposed to be gory and this is still the main theme.
The band also features current and ex-members
of the great NASUM. Mieszko Talarczyk R.I.P. also did the producing
job on their realeases so far. So the music is a brutal assault
of Grind, gut wrenching, regurgitated grunts and hectic insane
screams on the other hand. The bass rumbles like hell, and the
drums sound like several machine guns firing at once, this is
accompanied by shredding strings. Some groove segements increase
the fun even more (hear CAVERNOUS SORES) and inserted slower segments
like in BLEED ON ME or also have their impact. On ADDICTION even
Black Metal open string mayhem comes to use.
Another real killer is the groover HATEFUL
SADISTIC SCUM, the vocals are extra gutural (also DEFILE is blessed
with that element). So enough of the appetizers check it out for
yourself. Fans of them can get this one blind, and followers of
the swedish Grind scene must get this one at any cost. Sure they
delviver nothing new but the way they do it is just charming (he
he how sweet). By the way the sound is a ultra raw but punching
Rating: (music: 9/10, sound: 8/10)
Thomas Schubert
All Music -
As evidenced by Regurgitate's name and the cover of their 2006
release, Sickening Bliss, these lads from Sweden are the musical
equivalent of the goriest of gross-out horror films. Extreme metal
(and we're talking extremely extreme) is the name of the game
here — vocals that go beyond the expected death metal growl, and
wind up in gurgled territory. Musically, the group impress with
their highly technical noise blasts. With 26 tracks in all, Sickening
Bliss is one heck of a horror metal roller coaster ride, and such
tracks as "Violent Necrophiliac Climax," "Battered With a Brick,"
and "Deterioration of Grated Genitals" are certain to top the
hit singles charts any day now.
Rating: (3.5/5)
Greg Prato -
Gore-Grind to the max with the new album of Regurgitate. In this
genre, bands most often opt for a weak and dusty production, but
the last albums of Regurgitate show an exception on this rule.
The production is hard and direct in your face with a Swedish
Death Metal guitar sound played with a grindcore speed. The addition
of blastbeats, and a mixture of screaming and puking vocals are
the ingredients of 26 new sick grindcore tunes. 'Sickening Bliss'
differs from the last album 'Deviant' because the puking vocals
are back again. A good decision because these funny vocals in
combination with song title like "Bathed In Feculence" or "Undying
Lust for Cadaverous Molestation" every time mark a smile on my
face (and give it the typical Regurgitate twist). If the early
Carcass had a proper production back in the days it could be sounding
like Regurgitate. 'Sickening Bliss' is just a filthy product but
also has the energy and brutality in it that makes a grindcore
album worth to check out. Maurice
Rating: (3.5/5)
Digital Metal -
Now, I'm not gonna say that I have the power to influence history
and alter destiny. (If any of y'all want to say it, that's on
you. If nominated, I will not run, and if elected, I will not
serve.) I'll confine myself to remarking that I tore the last
RGTE album a sleek new one on the basis of their trying to morph
into a tight, pseudo-political grind band. That stuff is well
and good, but not from my beloved, foul Regurgitate. From RGTE,
I want shitty, shitty fun.
Well, looky here: the new one has dropped,
and it's all "feculence" this and "grated genitals" that, and
the overall sound is syrupy and gross and it's well rad.
Welcome back, guys.
You're welcome, world.
Jeff Lamb
Streets Metal Webzine -
One has to give grind core artists credit for their grotesque
sense of humor. At first glance the cover gives me associations
of the happy, innocent days of the 50’s. But as I look closer
I notice that what I first took for a new born baby is actually
a pile of intestines. Some would find this provocative, unnecessary
and vulgar. I laugh. Titles like "Excremental ingestment", "Deterioation
of grated genitals" and "Undying lust for cadaverous molestation"
give me a pretty good idea what to expect from the album. Lyrically
Regurgitate dig deep into the subjects of pathology.
They manage to speed through twenty-six songs
in thirty-six minutes. The music is raw, intense and brutal! The
growling has character and this makes the music stand out in a
crowd. The lyrics also distinguish these guys from other grind
core bands. Most grind core lyrics have political influences (ex:
Napalm Death). Regurgitates lyrics have more in common with the
lyrics of gore bands like Exhumed or Hemdale. The hardcore vocal
has elements that make it similar to black metal screaming. This,
to me, makes it less exhausting than, say, the more traditional
hardcore vocals of Nasum.
Having said this, I should add that this band
doesn't exactly add anything new to the genre. To quote their
homepage: "The songs on this album are, as always, grind core
- we're not trying to re-invent the wheel here - but with some
slow parts thrown in to keep things interesting".
Rating: (6/10)
Close-Up Magazine -
På fjärde albumet tar Stockholmskvartetten ett steg bort från
det lite vassa soundet på 2003 års "Deviant". I stället närmar
den sig debutens ljudbild och släpper lös en tromb av intensiv
goregrind med attityd och förmåga som ytterst få akter besitter.
Inledande "Abducens eminence" och efterföljande
"Euphoric state of butchery" sätter mallen - här är det stenhårt
sväng och gurglande gorerens som gäller. Men som vanligt skäms
inte Regurgitate för att mangla lite utanför ramarna också, och
detta är en anledning till att det ständigt känns aktuellt. Exempelvis
låter " Addiction" som black metal, men följs raskt av tungt goresväng
i "(We are) sadistic hateful scum" och föregås av av dödsosande
hatmangel i "Devoured by ghouls".
Så här låter goregrind när den är som absolut
Rating: (8/10)
Daniel Löfquist
Rhapsody -
Fans of Pig Destroyer, Agoraphobic Nosebleed, song titles we're
not allowed to print, bestial gurgle vocals and walls of guitar
chug are directed to this fine grindcore release courtesy of the
Swedish dudes who practically wrote the infernal book on it all.
Regurgitate represents good old-fashioned grindcore -- no pesky
innovations here, just the tried-and-true references to necrophilia,
the things that emerge from cysts, feces, vomit and feces. Not
to mention overall technical mastery. "Bleed On Me," "Cavernous
Sores" and "Violent Necrophiliac Climax" are all awesome.
Mike McGuirk
Walls of Fire -
Regurgitate dürften mittlerweile jedem Anhänger gepflegten Grinds
ein Begriff sein. Nicht ganz unschuldig daran dürften die zahlreichen
Tourneen und die guten bis sehr guten Veröffentlichungen sein.
Besonders aber das "Deviant" Album, mit dem sich die Kombo vom
bloßen Gegurgel löste.
Mit "Sickening Bliss" steht nun ein neues Album
aus dem Hause Regurgitate in den Startlöchern. Darauf geben die
Schweden 26 Songs zum Besten, bei denen, der an alte Carcass erinnernde
Pfad konsequent weiterverfolgt und –entwickelt wurde. "Sickening
Bliss" stellt jedoch noch eine gehörige Steigerung zu seinem Vorgänger
dar. Die Songs sind noch fieser, der Sound ist noch besser und
das Material ist eigenständiger als zuvor. Überhaupt hat das gesamte
Songwriting einen ordentlichen Schub Qualität erhalten. Folglich
haben wir es hier mit einer der besten "Mainstream" Grindscheiben
dieses Jahres zu tun. Antesten ist Pflicht!
Babelfish translation:
Regurgitate might be meanwhile each trailer of maintained grinds
a term. Completely innocently to it the numerous tours and the
good to very good publications might not be. Particularly however
the "Deviant" album, with which the Kombo separated from the bare
With "Sickening Bliss" stands now a new album
from the house Regurgitate in the starting holes. Whereupon those
give 26 Songs to the best one, with which, which was consistently
further pursued and developed to old Carcass reminding path to
Sweden. "Sickening Bliss" represents however still another due
increase to its predecessor. The Songs is still more fieser, the
sound is still better and the material is more independent than
before. At all the entire Songwriting received a tidy thrust quality.
Therefore we have to do it here with one the best "Mainstream"
Grind albums of this year. Tests is obligation!
Burn Your Ears Webzine -
REGURGITATE bleiben sowohl sich als auch dem Ruf ihres Labels
als auch ihren Fans treu und servieren mit "Sickening Bliss" einen
akustischen Hackbraten oberster Kajüte - mit einer Extraportion
Das Motto der nunmehr vierten Platte lautet
in erster Linie: Grind ist Grind ist Grind - mit allem, was qua
definitionem nun mal dazugehört: Ultraftiefe Kotz-Vocals im Wechsel
mit infernalem Gekreisch, pornografisch-splatterige Ekel-Texte
und Tacker-Drumming sowie fiese Gitarrenpower.
Doch dieses Werk ist bei weitem keine stumpf
und größtenteils unintelligent zusammengeschraubte Gore-Rille
wie so viele andere, sondern bietet eine äußerst überzeugende
Palette von akustischen Farbtupfern, die zum Teil anderen Metal-Sparten
entliehen worden sind: Die Saitenarbeit wurde extrem variabel
gestaltet und lässt hin und wieder richtig amtliche Death-Grooves
aus dem Sack. So rockt „Sadistic Hateful Scum“ regelrecht mit
schwedischem Endzeit-Vibe die Hütte, und das atmosphärische (sic!)
„Addiction“ würde sogar einer Black Metal-Combo zur Ehre gereichen.
Auf "Sickening Bliss" regiert der Hammer zwar
gnadenlos aber mit Bedacht. Somit ist die Mucke für Gore-Altgediente
angemessen angenehm konsumierbar und dürfte alle Erwartungen erfüllen,
aber auch abwechslungsliebende Hörer aus dem Death-Metal-Sektor
könnten hieran Gefallen finden. Zumindest muss nahezu perfekter
Grind für mich genau so klingen, wie REGURGITATE ihn derzeit abliefern.
Rating: (8,5/10)
Babelfish translation:
REGURGITATE remain serving itself both and the call of their label
and their fan faithfully and with "Sickening Bliss" an acoustic
chopping roast of highest cabin - with an extra portion of alternation.
The slogan that now fourth plate reads primarily:
Grind is grind is grind - with everything that belongs to qua
definitionem now times: Ultraftiefe Kotz Vocals in the change
with infernalem Gekreisch, pornografisch splatterige disgust texts
and Tacker Drumming as well as fiese guitar power.
But this work is by far none blunt and to a
large extent unintelligent screwed together Gore groove like so
many different, but offers an extremely convincing pallet of acoustic
Farbtupfern, which entliehen partially different Metal sections
are: The string work was arranged extremely variable and leaves
now and then correctly official Death Grooves from the bag. Thus
"Sadistic Hateful Scum" rockt proper with Swedish end time Vibe
the hut, and the atmospheric (sic!) "Addiction" would do even
a Black Metal Combo in the honour.
On "Sickening Bliss" governs the hammer merciless
however with consideration. Thus the mood for Gore Altgediente
is appropriately pleasantly consumable and might fulfill all expectations,
in addition, alternation-loving listeners from the Death Metal
sector could find hieran favours. At least almost perfect grind
for me must sound exactly the same, as REGURGITATE deliver it
at present. Crimp!
METALiUS Multizine -
26 Songs, 36 Minuten und eine Menge Gore, Guts und kranke Texte.
Alle, die schon bei Nuclear Blast-Bands an ihre Härtegrenzen stoßen,
können eigentlich getrost zum nächsten Review springen, denn für
die schwedischen REGURGITATE braucht ihr eine Hörerlaubnis mit
dem Klassenaufdruck "Exhumed, Nasum oder höher". "Reborn In Latrinic
Ecstasy" dürfte nämlich alle anderen zur schieren Verzweiflung
treiben, auch wenn Groove-Monster der Marke "Cavernous Sores"
kurz aufatmen lassen. Die ultra-gutturalen Vocals und die permanent
aggressive Grundstimmung, gepaart mit drückenden Uptempo-Brechern
im gehobenen Grind-Bereich treiben natürlich einerseits Fans von
alten Carcass und Co. die Freudentränen in die Augen, andererseits
allen anderen das Blut aus den Ohren. Allein schon der krasse
Sound sowie das humorige Artwork sind den Kaufpreis der Scheibe
eindeutig wert, die 26 Gore-Granaten sowieso! "26 tracks of noxious
noise that is heavier than yo momma and catchier than her gonorrhea",
dem ist absolut nichts hinzuzufügen...
Rating: (8/10)
Daniel Knoll
Babelfish translation:
26 Songs, 36 minutes and a quantity of Gore, property and ill
texts. All, which already push with Nuclear Blast-bands to their
hardness borders, can jump actually confidently to the next Review,
because for the Swedish REGURGITATE you need a hearing permission
with the class print "Exhumed, Nasum or more highly". "Reborn
in Latrinic Ecstasy" might drive all different to the almost despair,
even if Groove monsters of the mark "Cavernous Sores" let draw
a deep breath briefly. Those ultra gutturalen Vocals and the permanently
aggressive basic tendency, paired with oppressive Uptempo crushers
within the elevated Grind range drive naturally on the one hand
fans of old Carcass and CO the joy tears into the eyes, on the
other hand all different the blood from the ears. However already
the glaring sound as well as the humorige Artwork are the purchase
price of the disk clearly worth, the 26 Gore shells anyway! "26
TRACKS OF noxious noise is more heavier than yo momma and more
catchier than ago gonorrhea", that is that absolutely nothing
to add...
Westzeit -
Gore as gore can. Die Schweden Regurgitate sind mit ihrem vierten
Album am Start. Die Stücke sind in der Regel keine zwei Minuten
lang und haben Titel, die sowohl die textliche, wie auch die atmosphärische
Aussage detailliert vorwegnehmen: "Euphoric State Of Butchery",
"We Are Sadistic Hateful Scum"oder "Excremental Ingestment". Auch
im 16. Jahr bewahren sich Regurgitate den Spaß am Schmerz (der
Babelfish translation:
Gore as gore CAN. Sweden Regurgitate are with their fourth album
at the start. The pieces are usually no two minutes long and have
titles, both the text, as well as the atmospheric statement details
to anticipate: "Euphoric State OF Butchery", "incoming goods of
acres Sadistic Hateful Scum"oder "Excremental Ingestment". Also
in 16th year Regurgitate the fun at the pain (the other one) retain
Metal Inside -
Das vierte Album der schwedischen Grind-Veteranen REGURGITATE
flatterte für mich etwas überraschend ins Haus, da die Band sich
in letzter Zeit rar gemacht hat. Anscheinend haben sie die Zeit
im Proberaum verbracht und insgesamt 26 neue Songs geschrieben,
die zum Großteil höllisch brutales Geballer sind, wie es Grinder
lieben werden. Anspieltips dafür sind das mit punkigem Riff ausgestattete
"Tenderizing The Malformed" oder der klassische Grind-Song "Perish
In Blood". Da wird gegrunzt, gekreischt, an der Gitarre gehackt,
dass jedem Baller-Freak das Herz aufgeht. "Cavernous Sores" und
"Addiction" gehen in eine andere Richtung, hier sind REGURGITATE
im groovigen Mid Tempo unterwegs, was ihnen locker von der Hand
geht und dem Hörer die benötigten Verschnaufpausen gibt, bevor
die nächste wüste Attacke über ihn hereinbricht. Im direkten Vergleich
mit ihren Landsmännern GADGET müssen sich die alten Herren aber
mit dem zweiten Platz zufrieden geben, "The Funeral March" ist
noch einen Tick besser. Für einen Spitzenplatz im diesjährigen
Grind-Zirkus reicht "Sickening Bliss“" aber allemal, Grindheads
können sich den Silberling bedenkenlos zulegen.
Lars Heitmann
Babelfish translation:
The fourth album Swedish Grind veterans the REGURGITATE fluttered
for me somewhat surprisingly in the house, since those made itself
volume lately RSR. Apparent they spent the time in the training
room and wrote altogether 26 new Songs, which are to the majority
hoellisch brutal Geballer, how Grinder will love it. Alluding
tips for it are the "Tenderizing The Malformed" or the classical
Grind Song "Perish In Blood". There it is gegrunzt, chopped gekreischt,
at the guitar that each Baller Freak the heart comes up. "Cavernous
Sores" and "Addiction" go into another direction, here are REGURGITATE
in the groovigen Mid speed on the way, which goes to them loosely
from the hand and to which listener gives the necessary Verschnaufpausen,
before the next wild attack breaks over him. In the direct comparison
with its compatriots GADGET the old gentlemen must give themselves
one however with the second place contently, "The Funeral March"
are still tick better. For a point place in the Grind circus of
this year "Sickening Bliss" however always hands ", Grindheads
can the Silberling heedlessly add itself.
Metal District Webzine -
Die bekloppten Schweden sind wieder da, juhu! Und obwohl es REGURGITATE
bereits seit 16 Jahren schaffen sich und den Grind der alten Schule
vortrefflichst am Leben zu erhalten, hat man keine großen, finanziellen
Erfolge nach zu weisen, aber ist das nicht gerade das essentielle
am Grindcore?
"Sickening Bliss", da bin ich mir ganz sicher,
wird auch wieder nicht in den Charts auftauchen und es wird sich
wohl kaum jemand um die Zensierung des Covers bemühen, da es sich
einfach nicht lohnt. Dafür lohnt es sich für jeden Grinder und
Extremmusik-Fan sich das nach unendlich vielen Demos und Splits
erst fünfte Album von 'The True Regurgitate' zuzulegen. Auch oder
gerade weil Sänger und Gründungsmitglied Rikard neben seinen Screams
vermehrt auf Gruntz, die durch den Harmonizer gejagt wurden, zurückgreift,
werden die Fans dieser Musikrichtung lieben. Und ihre Gegner hassen,
aber das kann einem völlig egal sein, wenn man im lustigen Treiben
eines Fleischtanzes vor der Bühne genüsslich die Fäuste und Ellbogen
der Mitstreiter abknutscht.
Anspieltipps gibt's eigentlich genügend. Ihr
wollt Moshen? 'Reborn In Latrinic Ecstacy'! Ihr wollt Mitwippen?
'Putrid Serenity' – hat zwar etwas von Divine Empire, ist aber
immer noch Grind. Ihr wollt Tanzen? 'Undying Lust for Cadaverous
Molestation' wird Eurer Leidenschaft befriedigen! Ihr habt etwas
gegen schwarzmetallisches Gedöns und braucht die passende Mucke
dazu? Mit 'Addiction (an Unconditional Love for Blasphemous Perversions)'
könnt ihr die Claudi 666´s in Eurer Umghebung davon überzeugen,
dass das die neue Marduk ist, hehe. Eventuell sprengt der extrem
groovende Takt im folgenden '(We Are) Sadistic Hateful Scum' ihre
steif gewordenen Becken und sie fangen wild das Lutschen an Euren
Genitalien an. Aber das müsst Ihr schon selbst ausprobieren...
Rating: (9/10)
Babelfish translation:
Again there bekloppten Sweden are, juhu! And to receive although
REGURGITATE already create themselves it for 16 years and the
grind of the old school vortrefflichst alive, one does not have
large to point after to financial success but is straight the
not essential at the Grindcore?
Of there I am completely safe "Sickening Bliss",
also again not in the Charts will emerge myself and it probably
hardly someone for censoring the Covers will not strive, since
it is not worthwhile itself simply. But it is worth to add itself
for each Grinder and extreme music fan only the album of 'The
True Regurgitate', fifth after infinitely many demos and Splits.
Also or straight because singers and initial member Rikard beside
its Screams falls back increased to Gruntz, which were hunted
by the Harmonizer, becomes the fans of this music direction loves.
And their opponents hate, but that can be completely all the same
one, if one abknutscht in merry driving of a meat dance before
the stage genuesslich the fists and elbow of the fellow combatants.
Anspieltipps gibt's actually sufficient. You
want Moshen? ' Reborn in Latrinic Ecstacy '! You want Mitwippen?
' Putrid Serenity ' - something has from Divine Empire, is however
still grind. You want dancing? ' Undying desire for Cadaverous
mole station ' will satisfy your passion! You have something against
black-metallic fuss and needs the suitable mood in addition? With
' Addiction (at Unconditional Love for Blasphemous Perversions)
' can convince you the Claudi 666's into your Umghebung of it
that that is the new Marduk, hehe. Possibly the extremely groovende
clock in the following '(We are) Sadistic Hateful Scum' blows
up their rigid basins and it become begins wildly Lut at your
genital organs. But must try that you out...
Sweet Jane Music -
Kann sich noch jemand an die frühen Platten der Metal-Heroen von
Carcass erinnern? Dass selbst Nasum erklärte Fans dieser Band
waren und sind, ist nicht erst seit der Gründung von Regurgitate
eine bekennende Wahrheit. Eigentlich kein Wunder, so setzen sich
Regurgitate doch aus ex-Mitgliedern von Nasum und Retaliation
Die musikalische Tagesordnung ist dem entsprechend
eine uns sehr bekannte: Fast keiner der 26 hier vertretenen Songs
kann die Marke von 120 Sekunden wohl behütet passieren. Man könnte
fast meinen, das Grindcore-Quartett würde bei glatten 80 Sekunden
immer feuchte Hände bekommen und einen jeden Song zum Abschluss
bringen wollen. Die frühen Carcass kommen einem zu jeder Sekunde
in den Sinn, auch verweist das vierte Album der schwedischen Grinder
namens „ Sickening Bliss“ auf Bands wie Rotten Sound, Inhume und
Ungemein schnelle im reinen Grind- Sektor beheimatete
Songs wechseln sich mit sich zäh durch die Boxen pressenden Parts,
die nur auf den rechten Moment zu warten scheinen, in dem sie
wieder im Hochgeschwindigkeits-Tempo auf Hö chsttemperaturen gebracht
werden. Die Vocals pendeln zwischen tiefen Growls und einem unbändigen
Geschreie, das einen immer wieder die Fassung verlieren lässt.
Für zart besaitete Gemüter ist „Sickening Bliss“
sicherlich zuviel des Guten, im Grindcore-Sektor als solchem ist
"Sickening Bliss" mit seinen 26 intensiven Akten jedoch einer
der bereits höchst ungeduldig erwarteten Kraftakte dieser Genre-Helden.
Rating: (4/6)
Dennis Grenzel
And another lame (but entertaining) Babelfish translation
to english:
Still can someone remember the early plates of the Metal Heroen
of Carcass? The fact that even Nasum were and are avowed fans
these volumes is not only since the establishment of Regurgitate
admitting truth. Actually, then Regurgitate consist no miracle
nevertheless of ex members of Nasum and Retaliation.
The musical agenda is that according to us
much admitted: Nearly none of the 26 Songs represented here can
pass the mark of 120 seconds probably protected. One could do
nearly mine, the Grindcore quartet at smooth 80 seconds always
damp hands would get and each Song to the conclusion to bring
would want. The early Carcass comes one to each second into the
sense, also the fourth album of the Swedish Grinder refers named
"Sickening Bliss" to volume such as gangs sound, Inhume and Exhumed.
Uncommonly snaps in the pure Grind sector resident
Songs change themselves with toughly parts, which seem to wait
only on right moment, pressing by the boxes, in which it back
in the high-speed speed on maximum temperatures are brought. The
Vocals oscillates between deep Growls and an unrestrained screams,
which let the version lose again and again.
For tenderly besaitete mind "Sickening Bliss"
is surely too much the good one, in the Grindcore sector than
such is "Sickening Bliss" with its 26 intensive documents however
one already most impatiently expected force document of these
category heroes.
Metalspheres Fanzine -
Bei distanzierter Betrachtung geht das neue Regurgitate-Inferno
eigentlich ganz gut als Popmucke durch. Ganz besonders die giftgrüne
Hauptfarbe des Covers, die Blümchen rundherum sowie die liebreizend
rosa gekleidete Hebamme, die scheinbar ein Kind in den Armen zu
wiegen scheint, sind der Grund für diesen Eindruck. Die Schweden
wären allerdings keine Goregrinder, wenn dieser Eindruck nicht
täuschen sollte. Es handelt sich dabei nämlich um kein Kindlein,
sondern viel eher um eine fette Ladung Eingeweide. Hm, dann ist
doch alles wieder im Lot.
Regurgitate bleiben ihrem Stil auch auf
"Sickening Bliss" in jeder Beziehung, ebenso wie so viele andere
Bands, treu und machen damit eigentlich nichts falsch, auch wenn
den Hörer so nichts anderes erwartet, als es die guten Vorgänger
bereits boten. Textlich geht es wie gewohnt räudig hoch drei zur
Sache. Themen sind erwartungsgemäß diverse Splattergeschichten
sowie das Anbringen verschiedenster und selbstverständlich ekelhafter
Sexanekdoten. Das musikalische Spektrum der Band beschränkt sich
ebenso standesgemäß auf knüppelnde sowie groovende Passagen -
Mid- und Up-Tempo Parts halten sich übrigens hervorragend die
Waage - und der Gesang präsentiert sich, wie nicht anders zu erwarten,
mal wild kreischend, mal pervers gurgelnd. Typisch eben! Mehr
kann ich dazu auch nicht sagen. Die Scheibe ist sehr ordentlich
ausgefallen und für jeden Grinder einen Blindkauf wert, nur mit
Überraschungen sollte man nicht rechnen, aber das möchte wohl
auch keiner.
Rating: (n/a)
Babelfish translation:
During reserved view the new Regurgitate inferno goes through
actually completely well as Popmucke. Completely particularly
the poison-green main color of the Covers, the flowers approximately
as well as those pink dressed midwife, who seems to weigh apparently
a child in the arms, the reason for this impression is dear-attractive.
Sweden would be however no Goregrinder, if this impression should
not be deceptive. Thereby no child flax concerns, but much rather
around a fat charge of entrails. TC, then is nevertheless everything
again in the plumb bob.
Regurgitate remain for their style also on
"Sickening Bliss" in each relationship, just as so many other
volume, faithfully and make thereby actually nothing wrongly even
if so nothing different one expects the listener, than the good
predecessors already offered it. Text it goes like used raeudig
highly three to the thing. Topics are as expected various Splattergeschichten
as well as the attachment most diverse and naturally disgusting
Sexanekdoten. The musical spectrum that volume is limited just
as according to rank to knueppelnde as well as groovende passages
- Mid and UP speed parts keep themselves the balance by the way
outstanding - and the singing presents itself not to expect like
differently times wildly kreischend, times by verse gurgelnd.
Typically evenly! I cannot say more to it also. The disk failed
very properly and for each Grinder a blind purchase worth, only
on surprises should not not count one, but that would like probably
none. -
All-Star Bands haben es immer recht schwer. Während im Death-Metal
Bereich z.B. Bloodbath wenigstens die Lager in Pro und Contra
teilen, kommt im Black Metal häufig nur Müll dabei raus. Als eine
Art All-Star Band im Bereich des Grindcores könnte man die Schweden
REGURGITATE bezeichnen, tauchen in der Bandhistorie Namen wie
Nasum, Centinex oder Thy Primordial auf. Auch wenn die Schweden
innerhalb ihres Genres einen gewissen Ruf haben, so ist die allgemeine
Außenwirkung eher gleich Null.
''Sickening Bliss'' wird an diesem Fakt sicherlich
nicht wirklich viel ändern, aber die 26 Dampfhammer haben es derartig
in sich, dass der eine oder andere klassische Death-Metal-Hörer
dieser CD seine ungeteilte Aufmerksamkeit schenken wird. Die Abrissbirne
fängt beim ersten Track des Albums an zu schwingen und innerhalb
der weiteren Spielzeit gibt es auch keine Pause, so dass die Wirkung
nach Beendigung des Durchlaufs anhält. Wüstes Gurgeln trifft auf
rasende Gitarren, die wiederum vor einer wütenden Drum-Maschinerie
agieren. Obwohl sich die beteiligten Musiker hier anscheinend
nur austoben wollen, bleiben die Strukturen jederzeit erhalten
und auch immer nachvollziehbar. Allerdings hat das Toben an einigen
Stellen der Scheibe den Nachteil, dass das Schlagzeug ein wenig
zu sehr in den Hintergrund gedrückt wird.
Aber sonst ist alles eitel Sonnenschein. Eine
kräftige Produktion steigert die Spielfreude der Akteure scheinbar
noch, sodass man nur von dem besten bisher erscheinenden Album
von REGURGITATE sprechen kann.
Wer muss ''Sickening Bliss'' nun haben? Angesprochen
sollte sich hier auf jeden Fall die fühlen, die Nasum vermissen,
Rotten Sound bevorzugen oder Carcass auch nicht abgeneigt sind.
Ach ja, was die All-Star Qualität anbelangt, so funktioniert das
hier doch prima!
Fazit: Sicher kein Goregrind für die Ewigkeit,
aber ein Nackenbrecher mit Langzeitwirkung!
Rating: (8/10)
Thomas Schönbeck
Babelfish translation:
All star of volume have it always quite heavily. While in the
Death Metal e.g. Bloodbath divide range at least the camps into
pros and cons, comes in the Black Metal frequently only garbage
thereby raus. When a kind all star volume within the range of
the Grindcores one could designate Sweden REGURGITATE, emerges
in volume history name such as Nasum, Centinex or Thy primordial.
Even if those have Sweden within its category a certain call,
then the general external effect is rather alike to zero.
"Sickening Bliss" will change surely not really
much in this fact, but will have the 26 steam hammer it so in
itself that or other classical Death Metal listener of these CD
will give its undivided attention. The outline pear begins to
swing with the first TRACK of the album and within the further
play time gives it also no break, so that the effect continues
after completion of the run. Wild Gurgeln meets racing guitars,
which act again before a furious Drum machinery. Although the
musicians involved want to here apparent only out-rave themselves,
the structures remain and at any time also always comprehensibly.
However raving in some places of the disk has the disadvantage
that the drums is pressed a little too much into the background.
But otherwise everything is vain sunshine.
A strong production increases the play joy of the participants
apparently still, so that one can only of the best appearing album
Who must have ' ' Sickening Bliss '' now? Here
in any case those should feel addressed, which misses Nasum, gangs
sound to prefer or Carcass is also not averse. Oh, which concerns
the all star quality, then that functions here nevertheless great!
Result: Surely no Goregrind for the eternity, but a neck crusher
with long-term effect! - (German)
Da hab ich doch endlich mal eine CD mit Mehrwert in der Hand!
Die meisten Alben eignen sich gerade mal dazu, sie in den Schlund
des CD-Players zu legen, Start zu drücken und dem Hörgenuss zu
erliegen. Aber dieses Teil hier kann viel mehr.
Man stelle sich folgendes Szenario vor: Sonntagmorgen.
Du liegst verkatert im Bett, der Kopf dröhnt und das Zimmer dreht
sich. Dann: Ein Klingeln an der Tür, nach dem Öffnen will dir
ein sympathischer junger Herr zum Seelenfrieden verhelfen. Klar,
das Zauberwort heißt 'Zeuge Jehova'. Wenn ein solcher Erlösungs-Vertreter
hinter dem geöffneten Türspalt Ohrenzeuge dessen wird, was Regurgitate
veranstalten, wird er es sich zweimal überlegen, ob du würdig
bist, das Himmelsreich zu betreten, und deine Türmatte fluchtartigst
Ich wette, dass auch jedem unliebsamen Besuch
die Lust auf Kaffee und Kuchen vergeht, wenn das gemütliche Beisammensitzen
von diversen Flatulenz- und Rülpsgeräuschen untermalt ist. Dieses
Gedankenspiel kann man natü rlich beliebig weiterführen, wobei
ich bin über die Zusendung eurer fiktiven Geschichten oder aber
wirklicher Erlebnisse dankbar bin.
Was Regurgitate angeht: Metzger, Leichenfledderer,
Liebhaber von Einläufen und Gastroskopien sowie sämtliche Fetischisten
sollten ihre helle Freude an dem Teil haben – und natürlich Liebhaber
des gepflegten und deftigen Grindcores. Denn deftig geht es hier
zweifellos zur Sache. Diesbezüglich darf man sich vom lieblichen
Intro nicht tä uschen lassen, in dem unschuldige Vöglein zwitschern.
Denn nach einem erschreckten Damengekreische wechseln sich am
Mikro ein gedämpftes Gurgeln, Grunzen und Rülpsen mit zwischenzeitigem
Geschrei ab.
Dahinter dreschen die Musiker einfach frisch
und lustig auf ihre Instrumente ein und schaffen eine – ähem –
interessante Geräuschkulisse, die sich mal im Midtempo bewegt,
um dann mal wieder einen Zahn zu zulegen. Länger betrachten sollte
man übrigens das Cover, das auf den ersten Blick ebenso harmlos
wirkt wie das Intro. Was die adrett gekleidete Dame da liebevoll
in ihren Armen hält, hört in der Redaktion auf den Namen 'Gedärmbaby'
und hat Kollegen Cordas schon mal beim morgendlichen Kaffee überrascht.
Allzu viel Abwechslung bringt das bekanntlich
nicht, aber wer erwartet das schon. Denn "Sickening Bliss" groovt
stellenweise ganz mächtig, die restliche Zeit gibt es einfach
gehörig auf die Löffel. Na dann, Prost Mahlzeit!
Rating: (3/5)
Michaela Putz
Babelfish translation:
There have I nevertheless finally times CD with increase in value
in the hand! Most albums are suitable straight times for it, them
in to put the throat of the CD Players to press start and to the
hearing benefit succumb. But this part here can do much more.
One imagines the following scenario: Sunday
morning. You lie verkatert in bed, the head roar and the room
turns. Then: Ringing at the door, after opening wants you a pleasant
young gentleman to the soul peace help. Clearly, the magic word
is called a ' witness Jehova '. If such a release representative
behind the opened does if an ear witness its rspalt becomes, which
Regurgitate organize, it becomes it twice superior, whether you
are worthy, that Sky realm too enter, and your tuermatte fluchtartigst
I bet that also each unpleasant attendance the
desire on coffee and cake passes, if the cosy Sit together from
various Flatulenz ones and Ruelpsgeraeu are under. One knows this
thought play natue resume rlich at will, whereby I am over the
forwarding of your fictitious stories or however real experiences
are grateful.
Which concerns Regurgitate: Butcher, Leichenfledderer,
lover of intakes and Gastroskopien as well as all Fetischisten
should enjoy their bright the part - and naturally lovers of the
maintained and deftigen Grindcores. Because deftig it goes here
certainly to the thing. In this connection one may not do itself
of the lovely Intro taeuschen leave, in that innocent small birds
twitter. Because after frightened Damengekrei changes itself at
the micro an absorbed Gurgeln, Grunzen and a Ruelpsen with between-early
shouting off.
Behind it the musicians simply freshly and merrily
thresh on their instruments and create one - aehem - interesting
Noise window blind, which moves times in the Midtempo, in order
to then add times again a tooth. Regard longer one should by the
way the Cover, which works at first sight just as harmlessly as
the Intro. Which adrett dressed Lady in its arms keeps there affectionate,
hears in the editorship on the name ' Gedaermbaby ' and has colleague
Cordas already times with the morning coffee surprises.
All too much alternation does not bring that
as well known, but who expects that already. Because "Sickening
Bliss" groovt completely in parts powerfully, the remaining time
gives it simply duly on the spoons. Well then, Prost meal!
Vampster -
Wenn dir einer auf den Sack geht, dann lass ihn einfach links
liegen, es lohnt sich sowieso nicht gegen ihn zu wettern. Quatsch,
natürlich tut es das. Also hau dem verdammten Pisser auf´s Maul,
bis er Blut spuckt. So wie es REGURGITATE auf ihrem neuen Streich
tun. Denn obwohl die Band schon seit mehr als 16 Jahren existiert,
haben sie noch immer viel zu sagen. Das ist zwar nicht jugendfrei,
aber schön, dass sie sich durch ihr Geballer noch immer einen
Ausgleich schaffen und sich austoben können.
Und was soll ich sagen, "Sickening Bliss" steht
seinem Vorgänger "Deviant" in nichts nach. Immer noch wird der
derbste, widerlichste Grindcore der alten Schule geboten, den
man irgendwo finden kann. Hier herrschen die schön punkig-crustigen
Riffs, die Gitarrist Urban Skytt so wunderbar schreibt, hier gibt
es das grobe, simple Uptempo-Drumming vom guten Jocke, der wie
immer auch sehr gerne blastet, dass die Schwarte kracht. Ohne
Gründungsmitglied und Sänger Rikard ginge natürlich nichts, doch
statt nur zu kreischen jagt er seine Vocals auch gerne durch den
Harmonizer, viel mehr als auf den Alben zuvor. Eigentlich bin
ich davon kein großer Fan, aber zu REGURGITATE passt das wie die
Faust aufs Auge, das kommt unbeschreiblich dreckig und widerlich.
Und ja, sie haben an sich gearbeitet, selbst
wenn die Fortschritte nur geringer Natur sind. Das schwedische
Quartett lässt hier und da Atmosphäre einfließen, die Geschwindigkeit
wird zugunsten der D üsternis gedrosselt, wie der morbide Anfang
von "Reborn in Latrinic Ecstasy" oder das Zwischenstück " Addiction
(an Unconditional Love for Blasphemous Perversions)" zeigen. Ansonsten
sind REGURGITATE stark wie eh und je, das Quartett steht weniger
für Überraschungen als für Qualität. Klar, man könnte sich auch
einfach noch mal "Deviant" anhören, aber Killer wie "(We Are)
Sadistic Hateful Scum" oder "Battered with a Brick", das wirklich
genauso klingt wie es heißt, würde man schmerzlich vermissen.
Fassen wir kurz zusammen: Nein, REGURGITATE
bieten auch auf "Sickening Bliss" nichts Neues. Ja, die Scheibe
ist geil. Und wie. Außerdem ist sie verdammt morbide, das genial-ätzende
Artwork könnte den Hö rer nicht besser vorwarnen. Ja, "Sickening
Bliss" ist abwechslungsreich, brutal, schnell, groovy und einfallsreich
und steht dem Vorgänger in nichts nach. Zum alten Eisen gehören
REGURGITATE also noch lange nicht, mit den jungen Wilden wie GADGET
und WATCHMAKER kann die Scheibe dann doch nicht ganz mithalten.
Aber dann wären sie ja auch die totalen Übermeister. Grindfanatiker
der alten Schule muss man jedoch – sofern sie sich weigern – zum
Kauf prügeln. Genau.
Captain Chaos
Babelfish translation:
If one goes to you on the bag, then let it simply left lie, it
is worthwhile oneself anyway not against it to rant. Rubbish,
naturally does it that. Thus strike to the condemned Pisser auf's
muzzle, until he spits blood. As it REGURGITATE on their new caper
do. Because although those already exists to volume for more than
16 years, they have to say still much. That is not youth-free,
but beautiful that they can create themselves by their Geballer
still a reconciliation and out-rave themselves.
And which I am to say, to "Sickening Bliss"
am inferior its predecessor "Deviant" in nothing. Still the crudest,
is ordered widerlichste Grindcore of the old school which one
can find somewhere. Here beautifully punkig crustigen reef, the
guitarist Urban Skytt prevail so marvelously write, here give
it the rough, simple Uptempo Drumming of the good Jocke, which
blastet like always also very gladly that the schwarte cracks.
Without initial member and singer Rikard naturally nothing would
go, but instead of only to kreischen he hunts his Vocals also
gladly by the Harmonizer, for much more than before on the albums.
Actually I am of it no large fan, but too REGURGITATE fits like
the fist on the eye, comes indescribably dirty and widerlich.
And, they actually worked, even if the progress
of only small nature is. The Swedish quartet lets flow here and
there atmosphere, the speed in favor of the Duesternis is throttled,
as the morbide beginning of " Reborn in Latrinic Ecstasy" or the
distance piece "Addiction (at Unconditional Love for Blasphemous
Perversions) points". Otherwise REGURGITATE are strongly as always,
the quartet stand less for surprises than for quality. Clearly,
one could sound oneself also simply still times "Deviant", but
killers like "(We Are) Sadistic Hateful Scum" or "Battered with
a Brick", which sounds really exactly the same like it means,
one painfully would miss.
We summarize briefly: No, REGURGITATE do not
offer also on "Sickening Bliss" anything new. Yes, the disk is
geil. And how. In addition is it condemns morbide, which could
not forewarn ingenious-corrosive Artwork the listener better.
Yes, "Sickening Bliss" is variedly, brutally, fast, groovy and
imaginatively and is inferior to the predecessor in nothing. To
the old iron REGURGITATE do not belong thus still for a long time,
with which young wild ones as GADGET and WATCHMAKER the disk can
keep up then nevertheless not completely. But then they would
be also the total over masters. Grindfanatiker of the old school
one must however - if they refuse - to the purchase to flog. Exactly.
Metal Impact -
REGURGITATE est un groupe Suédois fondé en 1990, qui pour la petite
histoire a enregistré une première démo de 2 minutes (!!!), et
a effectué un premier concert à deux musiciens et une boite à
rythmes (bonjour MORTICIAN…). Ils réalisent en 1992, 1993 et 1994
trois split singles (avec VAGINAL MASSAKER, PSYCHOTIC NOISE ET
GRUDGE), puis un split cd avec DEAD en 1994. Ils partagent depuis
leur production discographique entre split singles et Cd longue
durée, dont le fameux Carnivorous Erection en 2000. Octobre 2006
verra la sortie US et Européenne du dernier méfait en date de
Regurgitate Sickening Bliss, bien que le terme « nouveau » ai
du mal à s’appliquer à une formation aussi extrême. L’énoncé des
titres suffirait à faire fuir l’acheteur venu ici par hasard au
détour d’une chronique. En effet, comment se mé prendre sur des
œuvres à l’emballage littéraire si explicite : « Renaissance dans
l’extase des latrines », « Ingestion d’excréments », ou bien «
Hystérectomie à la scie a métaux ». Peut on pour autant reprocher
à REGURGITATE leur goût pour la plaisanterie grasse facile ? A
la vue de leur pochette, on pense à AGORAPHOBIC NOSEBLEED, à la
vue de leurs titres, à un mélange entre MORTICIAN et le CANNIBAL
CORPSE des débuts. Et si on se décide malgré tous ces éléments
à mettre le cd dans la platine, aucune erreur possible, il s’agit
une fois de plus d’une énième resucée de Symphonies Of Sickness
Alors, pour l’amour de l’art ou juste la nostalgie,
on leur reconnaîtra un certain sens des riffs sur « Defile »,
une bonne inspiration early NAPALM DEATH sur « Excrement Ingestment
» et un certain sens du tempo bien lourd sur « (We Are) Sadistic
Hateful Scum ». Sans oublier bien sur, un son énorme, basses en
avant, indispensable à ce genre de productions. Mais tout cela
fait il avancer le schmilblick ?? Pas vraiment, le gore-grind
de ces furieux reste en dé finitive très imperméable à toute innovation,
seul le fanatique se laissera amadouer par cette nouvelle débauche
de blast-beats et de régurgitation vocale.
En somme, un album qu’on écoute d’une traite,
qu’on range et qu’on ressort un soir de pleine lune, pour effrayer
quelques jolies demoiselles arrivées par hasard, ce qui achèvera
de les convaincre que la vie r éserve par fois de bien étranges
cauchemars sonores...
Rating: (2.5/5)
Babelfish translation:
REGURGITATE is a founded Swedish group in 1990, which for the
small history recorded first a 2 (!!!), minutes demonstration
and carried out a first concert with two musicians and one limps
at rates/rhythms ( hello MORTICIAN...). They realize in 1992,
1993 and 1994 three Split individual (with VAGINAL MASSAKER, PSYCHOTIC
NOISE AND GRUDGE), then Split Cd with DEAD in 1994. They divide
since their discographic production between Split individual and
Cd long duration, of which famous Carnivorous Erection in 2000.
October 2006 will see the US and European exit last misdeed in
date of Regurgitate Sickening Bliss, although the "new" term have
evil to apply to such an extreme formation. The statement of the
titles would be enough to make flee the purchaser come here by
chance with the turning to a chronicle. Indeed, how to mistake
on?uvres with so explicit literary packing: "Rebirth in the extase
of the latrines", "Ingestion of excrements", or "Hystérectomie
with hacksaw". One for as much reproaching REGURGITATE can their
taste for the easy fatty joke? At the sight of their small pocket,
one thinks of AGORAPHOBIC NOSEBLEED, the sight of their titles,
a mixture between MORTICIAN and CANNIBAL CORPSE of the beginnings.
And if one decides despite everything these elements to put Cd
in the turntable, no possible error, it acts once more of one
énième resucée of Symphonies Of Sickness of CARCASS.
Then, for the love of art or right nostalgia,
one will recognize a certain direction of the riffs on "Defile",
a good inspiration early NAPALM DEATH on "Excrement Ingestment"
and a certain direction of the quite heavy tempo to them on "(We
Are) Sadistic Hateful Scum". Without forgetting well on, an enormous,
ahead low, essential sound with this kind of productions. But
all that made it advance the schmilblick?? Not really, the gore-grind
of these furious very impermeable remainder ultimately to any
only the fanatic will let himself persuade by this new vice of
blast-beats and vocal regurgitation.
All things considered, an album that one listens
of a draft, which one arranges and that one arises one evening
of full moon, to frighten some pretty young ladies made by chance,
which will complete to convince them that the life holds by time
of quite strange sound nightmares... -
Le quatrième album des suédois de Regurgitate est bientôt dans
les bacs (le 23 octobre 2006 en ce qui concerne l’Europe), alors
prenez garde car je peux vous garantir (pardonnez moi l’expression)
que ça va « dégueuler dans tous les sens ».
Ne vous laissez pas leurrer par le chant des
petits oiseaux de l’intro. Regurgitate remet vite les pendules
à l’heure. Ca va saigner !! Et ce durant 26 titres aux durées
évidemment typiquement grindcore. Quand je parlais précédemment
de « dégueuler », il suffit d’entendre la voix du chanteur pour
comprendre de quoi je parle. Tout est ultra lourd et dérangé (de
l’essence même des compos jusqu’à leur titres). Le groupe exprime
ici ses perversions et attise l’auditeur dans sa dépravation la
plus profonde. Enfin, côté artwork ça reste évidemment dans l’esprit
du contenu et, derrière la couleur « vert fluo » qui attire directement
l’œil, se révèle un aspect gore inéluctable.
Regurgitate ne sort pas des sentiers battus
en matière de grind mais cet album « Sickening Bliss » devrait
ravir tous les fans du genre puisqu’il s’accompagne d’une très
bonne production qui le différencie de bon nombre d’enregistrements
de ses congénères. En outre, 36 minutes de grind c’est carrément
honnête voir même généreux de la part du groupe !
Rating: (6.5/10)
And a Babelfish translation to english:
The fourth album of Swedish of Regurgitate is soon in the vats
(on October 23, 2006 with regard to Europe), then take guard because
I can guarantee to you (forgive me the expression) that that goes
"dégueuler in all the directions".
You do not let delude by the song with the
small birds with the intro. Regurgitate quickly gives the pendulums
per hour. Ca will bleed!! And this during 26 titles at the durations
obviously typically grindcore. When I spoke previously about "dégueuler",
it is enough to hear the voice of the singer to include/ understand
what I speak. All ultra heavy and is disturbed (of the gasoline
even of the compos to their titles). The group expresses its perversions
here and pokes the listener in his major depravity. Lastly, side
artwork that remains obviously in the spirit of the contents and,
behind the color "green fluo" which attracts the?il directly,
appears an inescapable aspect gore.
Regurgitate does not leave the paths beaten
as regards grind but this album "Sickening Bliss" should charm
all the fans of the kind since it is accompanied by a very good
production which differentiates it from considerable recordings
of its congeneric. Moreover, 36 minutes of grind it is straightforwardly
honest to see even generous on behalf of the group!
Tuberculosis -
(Czech - no idea what it says... but we get a 10)
Na nový kousek švédských krvavých bohu Regurgitate jsem se tešil
jako malý kluk, který ceká až dostane k narozeninám peknou hracku.
Muj obdiv má každá deska, protože se od sebe velmi liší, ale presto
si zachovávají dokonalou osobitost stylu. Tentokrát mám však pocit,
jako by se Regurgitate dokonale našli. Grindcoristky a grindcoristé
– predstavuji vám Sickening Bliss, tedy Chorobnou blaženost. Regurgitate
nám po trech letech úmorného cekání pripravili vskutku mohutnou
krvavou flákotu se kterou se malinko vracejí do svých raných casu.
25 ruzne dlouhých a ruzne složitých nahrávek oplývá stejne autentickými
melodiemi, jako za casu famózního debutu Efforthless Regurgitation
of Bright Red Blood. Opet rádne brutální intro, které však nepostrádá
vkus a dá se dobre poslouchat, narozdíl od té zvracecky v debutu.
V bleskovém tempu se na me vyvalila hitovka Abducens Eminence
a já blahem slintám. Regurgitate jsou zpátky a dokonale drtí vše
živé. Predchozí album Deviant byla vynikající crustová smršt,
jejíž zvuk z Mieszkova Soundlabu (RIP) doslova zabíjel a vrískot
Rikarda nemel obdoby. Oproti tomu Sickening Bliss je návrat do
gore grindových vod se silným odkazem legendárních Carcass. To
je presne to, na co jsem se ty roky tešil! Kdo mel obavy, že po
smrti tak osobitého producenta Regurgitate nedokáží vytvorit solidní
zvuk, jeho obavy byly naprosto zbytecné. Zvuk je hodne old school,
ale je razantní jako n álož dynamitu. Nejúžasnejší je, že na albu
nenaleznete slabý clánek, každá skladba perfektne zapadá do brutální
skládacky a Vy se mužete oddávat slastným chorobným poslechovým
orgiím. Deska má také dokonalý obal, který dokresluje brutálnost
desky. Prohlédnout ve vetším rozlišení si jej mužete na adrese Kdybych mel vybrat nejakou oblíbenou skladbu,
tak je to jednak již zmínená Abducens Eminence nebo brutální Battered
With a Brick. Dlouho byla moje srdcovka predchozí deska Deviant,
ale Sickening Bliss je fatální konkurence.
Rating: (10/10)
NederMetaal -
Regurgitate brengt ons hun vierde album onder de schattige titel
"Sickening Bliss". Deze Zweedse grindcore-maniakken gaan alweer
enkele jaren mee en brengen goregrind zoals het hoort; kort, razend,
smerig en goor. Ik vraag me af waar de heren hun boodschappen
doen, want het motto 'Geen fratsen, dat scheelt' is in ieder geval
op hun muziek van toepassing.
Laat ik er geen doekjes om heen winden, goregrind
is best lekker op zijn tijd maar dit is geen muziek die ik iedere
dag kan luisteren. Daar is het simpelweg te monotoon voor mijn
gevoel voor. Regurgitate brengt af en toe best wat afwisseling
in hun muziek, maar door de rauwe productie valt in de blastbeats
alle nuance weg. Ja, ik weet dat dat hoort bij smerige goregrind
en dat kan ik ook best waarderen. Toch merk ik dat ik juist de
nummers waarin ze wat catchier te werk gaan en wat meer death
metal klinken beter trek, zoals "Reborn In Latrinic Ecstasy" of
"Battered With A Brick". Daarin laten ze net even iets meer afwisseling
horen dan in de rest van hun materiaal.
Muzikaal zit het dus an sich wel snor, zeker
voor de fans. Geluidstechnisch klinkt het redelijk, ik kan me
herinneren dat een van hun vorige platen onder de aandoenlijke
titel "Carnivorous Erection" (voorganger "Deviant" ken ik persoonlijk
niet) beter klonk. Die was dan ook opgenomen onder de leiding
van Mieszko Talarczyk (voormalig frontman van Nasum en slachtoffer
van de welbekende tsunami krap 2 jaar geleden, RIP). De bassdrums
zijn moeilijk hoorbaar, de zang is overduidelijk met diverse effecten
doordrenkt en de gitaren brullen en razen als zijnde een kettingzaag
tijdens het openwerken van een varken (M/V) in het midden van
zijn/haar dagelijkse modderbad.
Concluderend: ik trek dit best, hoewel ik wel
de voorkeur aan wat ontwikkelder bands binnen het grind- genre
geef (denk aan Nasum, Rotten Sound, Cephalic Carnage etc.) Voor
de echte gore grind-maniakken is dit echter smullen geblazen!
Relapse Records geeft nog wel te kennen dat er geen kotszakjes
bij de aanschaf van dit album komen, jullie zijn dus gewaarschuwd.
Rating: 70 punten, met wat bloedvlekken zelfs wel 78.
Stalker Magazine -
Das vierte Album der Schweden von Regurgitate bietet ganze 26
Songs, von denen der längste aber gerade mal knapp drei Minuten
lang ist. Alle anderen Tracks bewegen sich im Bereich um 60 Sekunden
und genau das ist auch das Problem an dieser Scheibe. Die Songs
sind zwar recht abwechslungsreich gestaltet, aber durch deren
Kürze fällt es schwer, sich richtig davon begeistern zu lassen.
Gerade wenn man sich in das Lied hineingefunden hat, ist es auch
schon wieder vorbei.
Nichtsdestotrotz bietet "Sickening Bliss" guten
Grindcore, der leider in den einzelnen Titeln nicht richtig zuende
gedacht wird. Für Fans von Platten mit einem Gesamtkonzept, das
man einem Zug durchhören muss, zu empfehlen. Jeder, der sich aber
auf einem Album gern mal einen Lieblingssong aussucht, sollte
sich diesen Kauf gut überlegen.
Sandra Eichhorn
Babelfish translation:
The fourth album that Sweden von Regurgitate offers whole 26 Songs,
from which is longest however straight times scarcely three minutes
long. All other tracks lie within the range by 60 seconds and
exactly that are also the problem at this disk. The Songs is arranged
quite varied, but by their shortness it falls heavily to be able
to be become enthusiastic correctly of it. Straight one in-found
itself if one into the song, is it already again past.
Nothing the defiance offers to good Grindcore,
which is not thought unfortunately in the individual titles correctly
to the end "Sickening Bliss". For fans of plates with a total
concept, which one must through-hear a course to recommend. Everyone,
which selects itself however on an album gladly times a Lieblingssong,
should consider itself this purchase well. -
"Sickening Bliss" oozes atrocious audio-bile from every orifice.
Dat weet een mens dan ook alweer. Nochtans is er zeker veel van
waar, want de goregrind die het lieflijk genaamde Regurgitate
pleegt los te laten op de nietsvermoedende mensheid is van een
hoog niveau, evenals het bloed, ingewanden en doorsnee smerigheid
die de band met veel plezier in de teksten gooit. Het is met andere
woorden weer tijd om die roestige hakbijl van de muur te halen,
de kettingzaag te smeren en de beulskap op het hoofd te zetten,
want met dit album is het grinden, blasten en vooral scheuren
Zoals het een rasechte grindband betaamt heeft
Regurgitate nog niet gek veel volledige albums op het conto staan.
Met 'Sickening Bliss' erbij staat de teller op vier, hoewel de
band uiteraard veel meer heeft uitgebracht via split-cd's en allerhande
obscure 7" schijfjes. Aan de ferociteit van Regurgitate te oordelen
is het meer dan duidelijk dat ze goede vriendjes waren met het
ter ziele gegane Nasum: dezelfde no nonsense-aanpak met soms haast
ridicule snelheden maar zonder ooit de song uit het oog te verliezen.
Gitarist Urban Skytt speelde trouwens ook in Nasum, maar in dit
collectief laat hij zich van zijn smerigste kant zien. De nummers
halen vaak de kaap van de twee minuten niet en de gemiddelde speelduur
ligt zelfs onder de zestig seconden. Langer zou trouwens niet
uit te houden zijn, aan de intensiteit waarmee dit gebracht wordt.
De ritmepartijen ratelen welhaast onophoudelijk, terwijl er gitaargewijs
idioot snel wordt doorgeragd. De zang – voor zover men nog van
zang kan spreken – varieert tussen onaards, onverstaanbaar diep
en al even onaards schril: de perfecte grindcore mix dus. Dat
Regurgitate opkijkt naar het vroege Carcass blijkt helemaal uit
de even zieke als hilarische songtitels. 'Reborn in Latrinic Ecstasy',
'Undying Lust for Cadaveric Molestation' of 'Deterioration of
Grated Genitals'; het is slechts een kleine greep uit het aanbod.
Extra aandacht mag gerust uitgaan naar de hoes, die ogenschijnlijk
bijzonder zachtaardig lijkt te zijn (een moeder knuffelt haar
baby), tot deze van naderbij wordt bekeken (de baby blijkt een
bundel ingewanden te zijn).
Wie met graagte de uitdrukkingen 'hard', 'snel'
en 'vunzig tot op het bot' hoort komen, zal zich vrolijk rondwentelen
in de explosie van rottende karkassen die 'Sickening Bliss' is.
De meeste grindbands zijn politiek bewust, Regurgitate is goor
bewust. Moge de darmen nog lang tegen het behang vliegen.
Rating: (3.5/5)
Guy Van Campenhout
Babelfish translation:
"Sickening Bliss" oozes atrocious audio-bile from every orifice.
That weet people thus again. However much there are certain of
leave separately where, because the goregrind which commit lieflijk
the Regurgitate called on unsuspecting humanity are of a high
level, as well as the blood, ingewanden and average smerigheid
which the link with much pleasure in the texts throws. It is in
other words time that rusty obtain hakbijl of the wall, lubricate
the collar saw and the beulskap on the head because to put, it
has been blown with this album gravels, at and especially cracks.
Such as the a purebred gravel link becomes
Regurgitate have crazily much not yet complete albums on the conto
stand. With ' Sickening Bliss ' the meter on four stands, although
the link has brought out of course much more by means of split-cd's
and all kinds of obscure 7 discs. To the ferociteit of Regurgitate
is judge it more than clearly that they were good vriendjes with
for the ziele the gone Nasum: the same no nonsense-aanpak with
sometimes hurry themselves ridicule speeds but ever losing sight
of the song. Gitarist Urban Skytt played as a matter of fact also
in Nasum, but in this collective he shows of its most sordid side.
The numbers do not obtain frequently the cape of the two minutes
and the average speelduur even lies under the sixty seconden.
Longer as a matter of fact be to endure, to the intensity with
which this is brought. The rhythm parties rattle welhaast continuous,
whereas there gitaargewijs idiot fast doorgeragd become. Already
even onaards vary the song - as far as one can speak still of
song - stridently between onaards, unintelligible diep and: the
perfect grindcore mix therefore. That Regurgitate is surprised
to the early Carcass becomes clear entirely from the even patient
as hilarische songtitels. ' Reborn in Latrinic Ecstasy ', ' Undying
lust for Cadaveric Molestation ' or ' Deterioration of Grated
genital '; it only a small seizure from the offer is. Extra attention
can go out rested to the cover, which apparently particular good-
natured seems be (a mother cuddles to its baby), until these of
closer are examined (the baby proves be a cord ingewanden).
He who with graagte ' hard ', ' fast ' and
' mustily on the bone ' hears the expressions reach, itself lively
rondwentelen in the explosion of putrescent carcasses which '
Sickening Bliss ' are. Most of the gravel link is politically
aware, Regurgitate are goor aware. The bowels should fly still
long against the behang.